Wednesday, February 12, 2014


While still planning on how to go about this idea & what I need to have in mind while creating it, I always remember to have an imagination. I feel like growing up out of the stage of "being little kids" people completely lose their imagination. Our society is constantly telling us what to do whether you realize it or not. In school it's  "so you have these choices, A. B. C. or D" . "Get good grades, go to college, write a resume, go get a job". Then you get that job & you're told when to show up, when to eat lunch, & when to go home. At this point, we're losing control of the fact that this is YOUR life. You do what YOU want. That's all that matters. So go back to being a little kid, have dreams. & I mean DREAMS. HUGE DREAMS. Don't just have them, think deep down how bad you would love to LIVE those dreams!

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone dreams in the same way.
There are 5 kind of dreamers: (taken from Robert Kiyosaki's book Business of the 21st Century) 
1) Those who dream in the past
2) Those who dream only small dreams
3) Those who achieve a dream, & then live bored.
4) Those who dream big dreams, but with no plan on how to go about acheiving them, so end up with nothing.
5) Those who dream big, achieve those dreams, and go on to dream even bigger dreams! 
-Those who dream in the past: These are the people who believe that their greatest achievements are behind them. They end up talking about stories of being in college, the army, their highschool football days ect. If you try to talk to them about the future they respond with they have nothing to say except for maybe something like "the world has gone to hell anyways" blah blah blah.
- Those who only dream small dreams: these dreamers limit themselves to small dreams because of lacking confidence in achieving them. They think that only certain things are possible in their lifetime. You might here someone who has smaller dreams for their lives saying something like "oh yeah, I should of done that years ago, but I just never got around to actually doing it". 
- Those who achieve a dream, & then live bored: Most people dream of becoming something. (Let's say a Doctor for ex.) they become a doctor... Uhh.. Now what? Oh yeah, they also have a few dreams of traveling to Italy, Mexico, & Hawaii for vacation.. 6 years into their career they've gone to those places. Now what? Uhh.. 
- Those who dream big dreams, but with no plan on how to go about achieving them, so they end up with nothing:
"I've just had a major break through". "this time things will be different". 
"I think I turned a corner for the better". 
These people thought about achieving their dreams on their own, very few people do achieve their dream by themselves. These people should keep dreaming big, make a plan, & find a team who will stick together to the dream is achieved. (Then dream bigger) 
- Those who dream big, achieve those dreams, & go on the dream even bigger dreams!: Big people have big dreams & small people have small dreams. If you want to change who you are, change the size of your dream. 
So which dreamer are you? Remember, ANYTHING is possible & it all starts with your mind. 

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